Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Parents Informational Meeting for Applying to the 2009-2010 School Year

Wednesday, March 18th, the founders group of Golden Oak Montessori held the first of two informational meeting for parents.  Forty-five interested parents attended.  They viewed a slide show presentation by founders group co-chair Aneema Van Groenau, and then a short movie about Montessori education.  Questions were answered for about half an hour.  Overall, it was a big success-- there is plenty of interest in the Hayward community for our school we have worked so hard and long to start!

Golden Oak Montessori logo cookies devoured by the children at the meeting.

If you missed the first meeting, see the previous posting below for the date and time of the 2nd meeting.

Some school founders placing 1st-class stamps on almost 2000 envelopes addressed to the parents of every kindergarten student in the Hayward Unified School District, informing them of the meetings.

Other news-- we signed the lease for the school with the YMCA on Palisade St., so this will be the school's official location, and we've hired a Director for the school!  More details to come.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Parent Informational Meetings & Applications for the 2009-2010 School Year

Applications for the inaugural 2009-2010 academic year of Golden Oak Montessori School will be available at the following informational meetings for prospective parents: Wednesday, March 18 and Thursday, April 2. Both meetings will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the probable site of the school, 951 Palisade Street, Hayward.  Palisade St. is off of Mission Boulevard (on the east side, up the hill), between Orchard/Carlos Bee (which are to the south) and Fletcher (which is to the north).   Click for a Yahoo map.

Please Contact Us and RSVP specifying the date of the informational meeting that you plan to attend.  The application is currently not available on the web.  If you cannot attend an informational meeting, please Contact Us to arrange an alternative means of obtaining an application.  Thank you!