Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another Summer Work Party at the School

This past Sunday, August 8, several Golden Oak Montessori founders gathered at the school to help prepare the classrooms for the new school year.  A few of us have have already come several times.

We assembled new furniture, 

wiped down tables and chairs

moved them back into the classrooms

Check out the new lofts, furniture and glass doors!

There is still so much work to be done before classes start, and we need everyone's help.

Save the date-- our first SCHOOL CLEAN UP DAY

Sunday, August 22nd, 10:00am to 2:00pm.

You might want to bring work gloves, definitely bring your energy and enthusiasm.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Parent Information Nights: the Board Chair's Perspective

During the last few months, we have been holding Parent Informational Nights to introduce parents to Montessori elementary education and Golden Oak. Despite a bad cold and sore throat at the first meeting, Deirdre Fennessy, the Head of School, did a terrific job introducing the school, mission, and philosophy of Maria Montessori. All of the thirty or so parents in the audience had clearly heard of GO through word of mouth or the flyers sent to all HUSD kindergarten-eligible families. The enthusiasm was obviously high. Questions focused on discipline, transition to high school, and admissions.

I was marveling at how far we have come since last year, when the parent info nights were held in the dusty, cave-like, unfinished and unfurnished classrooms. Then we had to ask parents to take a leap of faith to join a school that still only existed in our dreams. Remember the applications table at the Hayward farmer's market? The cold office hours all alone in the empty GO classrooms?

I feel so proud of how much the parent and community founders dedicated themselves to inspire these new parents to come on board. At the Governance Academy for charter school leaders last month, I talked with many other charter founders and realized how many new charters (even in their 3rd to 4th years) struggle to fill enrollment-- not GO!

At the first Parent Informational Night, about five current GO parents came to the meeting as well. A few talked about their experience at GO-- how much they have seen their children become motivated, independent, problem-solving students, excited about school. It was deeply touching to see the dream become such an effective reality. All the GO Board officers were there too and I wanted to capture the feeling of the meeting because it was so moving.

--Aneema Van Groenou, Founding Community Member and Board Chair

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Festival of Lights, December 2009

The Festival of Lights winter holiday student performance and potluck was held at the school the evening of Wednesday, December 16th.  The gym was packed to standing room capacity.

Everyone appeared to have a great time seeing the kids perform and partaking of a culturally diverse selection of yummy food.

A silent auction was held after the dinner to attempt to raise funds to help make possible and support student activities and future educational programs in these times of restricted state and district budgets.

Thanks to all the students, and especially the teachers who have been putting in long hours to prepare this event (as well as to get the school off the ground), and also the parent volunteers who donated their hard work and long hours to make this inaugural annual event successful.